I know that many ppl were kinda waiting for my first blog post in perhaps.. say.. 3 years? OMG some would say.. but *chuckles* seriously I m never really into this blogging business in the first place.. for starters.. I personally could find alot of better time well spent on other aspects of my life.. hmmm.. getting laid for example~
Alright alright.. thats a lil extreme.. but ya.. still much more favourable than putting my butt on my leather backed polyester seat.. sipping on my iced lemon tea.. fingers recording my personal history of being dumped because of a cheesecake/grab an idiot off a railing on the 8th storey/crashing off a kerb while cornering at 90 klicks per hour/chasing after a indian with an old lady's purse in his hands/getting ripped off by one of my closest fren/or spend 3 years on a unrequited love.. bleah
unexciting huh~
there I figured..
tsk tsk
but anyway.. I think I m getting slightly tired of being in the rat race.. trying to chock up enuff dough into my bank account before flying off somewhere to get my long awaited degree.. but mebe one of my fren is correct.. and yup.. u re April.. she who makes her blog hers.. and declaring all those who crosses her path up there in 4 simple words~~
I will kill you...
be honoured girl.. ur name is the first to appear on my blog eh~
But anyway.. one of my poetic works of the day.. feeling inspired after a really tiring day at the office while sneezing incessantly like an 8 year old dawg after being thrown talcum into its nose. Like wat my colleague said..
"Andy.. u re weak leh" she chuckles off
I said "Zhen.. I never told ur bf that we hugged on the beach after ur first breakup with him."
Back to my work shall we? =)
I've titled it..
The Raging Morons
Sizing off the steps of marble, concrete, and stone
I knicked, knacked, and cracked the doldrums of despair
A dottard old figure rained strained music to the auntie's ears
She screamed "No insurance I tell you!"
I chuckled, pondered, and grinned
The whistling train came rushing past with its flickering windows
I stared into its ponderous inhabitants
each staring out at me with a murderous grin
the hatred within their crazed eyes
their rising rage
my increasing fright
the sliding doors move out of sight..
Raging Ah Sohs charged
An Andy thought
The raging morons..
Alright alright.. thats a lil extreme.. but ya.. still much more favourable than putting my butt on my leather backed polyester seat.. sipping on my iced lemon tea.. fingers recording my personal history of being dumped because of a cheesecake/grab an idiot off a railing on the 8th storey/crashing off a kerb while cornering at 90 klicks per hour/chasing after a indian with an old lady's purse in his hands/getting ripped off by one of my closest fren/or spend 3 years on a unrequited love.. bleah
unexciting huh~
there I figured..
tsk tsk
but anyway.. I think I m getting slightly tired of being in the rat race.. trying to chock up enuff dough into my bank account before flying off somewhere to get my long awaited degree.. but mebe one of my fren is correct.. and yup.. u re April.. she who makes her blog hers.. and declaring all those who crosses her path up there in 4 simple words~~
I will kill you...
be honoured girl.. ur name is the first to appear on my blog eh~
But anyway.. one of my poetic works of the day.. feeling inspired after a really tiring day at the office while sneezing incessantly like an 8 year old dawg after being thrown talcum into its nose. Like wat my colleague said..
"Andy.. u re weak leh" she chuckles off
I said "Zhen.. I never told ur bf that we hugged on the beach after ur first breakup with him."
Back to my work shall we? =)
I've titled it..
The Raging Morons
Sizing off the steps of marble, concrete, and stone
I knicked, knacked, and cracked the doldrums of despair
A dottard old figure rained strained music to the auntie's ears
She screamed "No insurance I tell you!"
I chuckled, pondered, and grinned
The whistling train came rushing past with its flickering windows
I stared into its ponderous inhabitants
each staring out at me with a murderous grin
the hatred within their crazed eyes
their rising rage
my increasing fright
the sliding doors move out of sight..
Raging Ah Sohs charged
An Andy thought
The raging morons..
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